Global Fintech Advisors
Payment innovation, transformation, revenue growth & operating scale
Sandra Blair
Managing Director
Michael Reed
Managing Director
Private Equity Advisory Services
Optimize portfolio company for growth & develop exit strategies
Profitability tactics to expand margins while ensuring long term sustainability
Develop and test thesis for potential portfolio company investment, evaluate deal merits and diligence
Integration planning & execution
Corporate Advisory Services
Accelerate product delivery, leveraging & managing industry partners
Drive Growth through executable market-validated product development & technology delivery
Align sales & marketing tactics and plans to penetrate target markets
Bridge product & technology to customer activation resulting in revenue realization
International expansion planning & execution
Executive coaching​​
Board, C Suite & Investor Advisory Services
Support management team with Board messaging and materials
Form and manage advisory council
Practical strategy formation, integration & execution
Succession planning
Act as interim CEO and/or board advisors